
Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024

This article is focused on the Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024. Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 predicts the future of people in several parts of life such as job, business, relationships, finance, health, and so on. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the natural zodiac, and it is associated with the air element, according to Vedic Astrology.

Saturn rules Aquarius, which also represents the fulfillment of aspirations and satisfaction. From May 2024, the transit of Jupiter in the fourth house will produce moderate outcomes in terms of profession, money, and relationships. Jupiter will be placed as the second and eleventh house lord in Aries before May 2024. Saturn will be situated in the first house in 2024, denoting the middle phase of Sade Sati, which represents difficulties and impediments. 

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Saturn's presence in the first house may increase the commitment and responsibilities in the family. Due to the presence of Saturn in the first house, you might have no time to spend leisure moments, always traveling. Saturn’s aspect over the seventh house might strain your relationship with your life partner and family. If you are in business, you may need to be careful in taking crucial decisions with respect to partnership and other aspects in business. 

Also read: Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2025

Due to Saturn’s aspect over the seventh house, you might be facing obstacles, troubles even from your close friends and this could bother you. Saturn’s presence in the first house might make you feel as if you are bearing a big burden on your shoulder.

The nodal planets, Rahu will be favorable and will be occupying the second house and Ketu will be occupying the eighth house. The placement of the nodal planets, Rahu and Ketu for you this year might not be good. The above placements of Rahu and Ketu in the second and eighth house may give you unwanted worries about your future. Rahu and Ketu could enhance your anxieties and give rise to insecure feelings. 

Second half of the year after April 2024 may be better as Jupiter will be occupying the fourth house. Before May 2024, Jupiter transit will take place in the third house with respect to the Moon sign and this transit might not be favorable for Capricorn natives. Jupiter’s placement in the fourth house before May 2024 might not be encouraging for you and may add up woes for you with lingering issues in family with respect to property etc. Due to Jupiter's placement in the fourth house, you may be facing a change of place, shifting residence due to domestic issues prevailing in the family. Jupiter’s placement in the fourth house might give stress in the family and lack of comforts which may have an impact on your health. 

From May 1, 2024, Jupiter will be moving to the fourth house in transit with respect to the moon sign and will give good results. Due to this, you will be able to resolve family matters, issues in relationship with your family members etc.

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However, there may be a lack of comforts that you could face after May 2024 due to the unfavorable transit of Jupiter in the fourth house. Due to the transit of Jupiter in the fourth house this year after May 2024, benefits may get reduced in the form of money fluctuations. You may be feeling as if you have lost something. 

If you own a business, then this could be a fine opportunity to reap benefits and increase your revenues. Jupiter’s placement in the fourth house after May 2024 will produce moderate outcomes in job, finances, and in relationships etc. With Jupiter in the fourth house, you can find relief through worship and spiritual concerns, and you may be able to rise to the top and accomplish great success.

Any important business decisions can be made after May 2024, when Jupiter will be in the fourth house and may increase your assets. After May 2024, it may be the best time for you to start gaining profits in business and at the same time, Jupiter's placement in the fourth house might not bring you more profits and it will be better when compared prior to May 2024.

So, in short, the period after May 2024 will be better for you and will bring you more success in your work, money, spiritual concerns, relationships, and health, among other things. Rahu in the second house and Ketu in the eighth house are both harmless. Saturn becomes retrograde from 29 June 2024 to 15 November 2024, and as a result, performance in your job, finances, and other areas may suffer.

All of these outcomes are generic in nature, and more specific outcomes may be attainable for you based on your horoscope.

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Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 For Career

Saturn, the planet of career, will occupy the first house, and you will be in the middle of Sade Sati. Because of Saturn's moderate position as the main planet for career, you may face changes in your profession in the form of job loss or job change for greater opportunities. You may also experience a lack of satisfaction in your profession as a result of Jupiter's position in the third house before May 2024.

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 reveals that due to Saturn's placement in the first house, you may encounter numerous problems in completing your tasks on time. If you are in charge of new or large projects, you might encounter difficulties or face delays in completing the tasks. During the year 2024, you may also need to avoid making important career decisions. Before May 2024, Jupiter will be placed in the third house and will give moderate results for your career, but from May 1, 2024, Jupiter will be moving to the fourth house and will give good results for your career.

Your ambition to reach high levels in your career could be tough to achieve. However, beginning in May 2024, you may be able to overcome challenges in your profession because Jupiter will be in the fourth house, which symbolizes greater success and riches in your career. 

The placement of nodal planets Rahu in the second house and Ketu in the eighth house may provide you a moderate chance of meeting with high success in your career path. Furthermore, due to Saturn's retrograde movement from 29 June 2024 to 15 November 2024, you may need to be more focused on your work. 

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 For Financial Life

The first half of the year before May 2024 might not be ideal for your financial success because Jupiter will be in the third house with respect to the moon sign. Jupiter's placement in the third house could force you to spend more of your money than you earn. Saturn will be in the first house and it is also the ruler of the twelfth house. As a result, your earning capacity may be minimal this year, and your savings potential could be constrained. 

Jupiter's placement in the fourth house from May 2024 may be better for financial growth, but it could trigger you to incur more expenses. Because of Jupiter's location in the fourth house after May 2024, you may need to spend more money on your family. You may be forced to borrow in order to provide for your family, unravels the Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024. 

There might be no way to save money before May 2024. Due to large expenses, you might resort to changes such as taking out loans, which could put additional financial strain on your lifestyle. Jupiter's placement in the fourth house after May 2024 could raise your spending and limit your ability to make additional money.

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 For Education

Your educational opportunities may be limited because Jupiter will be located in the fourth house with respect to the moon sign beginning in May 2024. Jupiter is the lord of the second and eleventh houses, and its placement in the third house before May 2024, for you, can lead to concentration lapses and academic difficulties. Because of the placement of Jupiter above, you may need to concentrate more on your studies. 

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 suggests that after April 2024, progress in studies may be better for you with Jupiter placed in the fourth house. Saturn in the first house. The placements of the aforementioned two planets may derail your academic progress. Jupiter placed in the fourth house may give you better retention power in studies and the initiative to learn more will be on the high side. But at the same time, the Jupiter transit in the fourth house may not be highly effective and give you more progress in studies. 

This year the nodal planets-Rahu in the second house, Ketu in the eighth house may give you obstacles with respect to your studies. Mercury, the planet of education, is in a favorable position from January 7, 2024 to April 8, 2024, and you may be able to make strong progress in your studies and succeed further during this time. Overall, the year 2024 may yield moderate results for your studies until May 2024, and you may need to exert significant effort to make it a success. Practicing meditation and yoga may also be beneficial to your educational prospects after May 2024.

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 For Family Life

Family Life predictions reveal that the family life of Aquarius natives may not be too positive before May 2024 as Jupiter will be placed in the third house with respect to the Moon sign. You may be facing communication disturbances in your family due to wrong understanding with your family members. You may be mistaken by your family members for lack of communication and all these things may be possible before April 2024. 

As per Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024, from May 2024, Jupiter will be placed in the fourth house. Due to this placement of Jupiter in the fourth house, there may be issues in the family arising out of family matters. Already as Sade Sati is going on for you and you are in the crucial middle phase of Sade Sati, you need to be more secure and ensure happiness in family as there may be chances even for small arguments in family turning into a big problem.

There may be issues in the family with respect to property and other legal things. Relationships with family members may get affected and may lessen the bondage and harmony. But the aspect of Jupiter over the seventh house will reduce the bad effects and this may be possible till April 2024. 

After May 2024, the transit of Jupiter in the fourth house may be favoring you for happiness in family and in family life. You may need to adjust in family with your family members to ensure smoothness in relationships and thereby seeing happiness for the year 2024 as the nodal planets-Rahu will be in the second house and Ketu in the eighth house.

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Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 For Love & Marriage

According to the Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024, love and marriage may not be so fine before May 2024, as the auspicious planet Jupiter will be put in the third house, Saturn will be positioned in the first house for the year 2024 and may advise you for love and marriage to be a success owing to your efforts. Then, starting in May 2024, Jupiter will be in your fourth house, bringing you good luck in love and marriage.

If you are in love, Jupiter will be in your fourth house after May 2024, which could lead to marriage. Decisions that you may be taking with respect to marriage may be fine after May 2024 due to the placement of Jupiter in the fourth house. Before May 2024, you may not get effective results with respect to love and marriage due to the position of Jupiter in the third house. If you are in love, there may be communication disturbances with your partner and this may lead to split. 

If you are about to get married before May 2024, you may need to postpone the same as going for marriage may not be effective for you before April 2024. So you can take any further step regarding your personal life, after May 2024. Venus the planet for Love and Marriage will be favoring you for Love and Marriage during the periods from June 12, 2024 to August 24, 2024.

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024 For Health

Your health condition may be moderate until April 2024. Jupiter's position in the third house in relation to your Moon sign could decrease your level of comfort and contribute to increased stress. Additionally, Saturn's placement in the first house might cause pain in your legs, knees, and joints. You may experience a slight sense of lethargy and mediocrity due to Jupiter's position in the third house until April 2024, says Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024. 

To improve your overall well-being, it would be beneficial for you to consider practicing meditation or yoga, as it can help you stay physically and mentally fit. Jupiter will be placed in the fourth house with respect to the moon sign from May 2024 and this may give you betterment in health and comforts. But at the same time due to the position of Jupiter in the fourth house, you may need to spend money for the health of your mother after May 2024. If you devote your mind towards spiritual matters and such interest in spiritual matters and progress may keep you in good health. 

Before May 2024, your health may not be in a stable condition as Jupiter will be placed in the third house and this may make you spend more money. Rahu will be placed in the second house, Ketu will be placed in the eighth house during the year 2024 may keep you in moderate health. Due to increased work-related travel, you might experience higher levels of stress. Additionally, you may encounter discomfort in your legs, thighs, and other areas throughout the year. In order to manage and alleviate these stress-related issues, it would be beneficial for you to consider practicing meditation or Yoga. Engaging in these activities can help you maintain a sense of calmness and effectively overcome stress problems.

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024: Remedies

  • Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily.
  • Perform Yagya-Havan for Saturn on Saturdays.
  • Perform Yagya-Havan for Rahu/Ketu on Tuesdays.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the weakness of Aquarius?

Most of the Aquarius natives have a stubborn nature.

Who should Aquarius marry?

Aquarius has great compatibility with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Does Aquarius fall in love easily?

No, Aquarius takes time before getting into a relationship.

Who is Aquarius' soulmate?

Gemini Zodiac sign is the soulmate of Aquarius.

Does Aquarius forgive easily?

No, they prefer ghosting people rather than forgiving them.

Is Aquarius lucky in love?

Yes they are the luckiest ones in love and find partners easily.

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