
Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Horoscope

4/29/2024 - 5/5/2024

Due to Rahu being present in the twelfth house with respect to the moon sign, this week, your overeating and frequent eating habits may give rise to some problems. Therefore, it would be better for you to improve this habit as soon as possible. Also, to keep yourself healthy, you can also resort to regular exercise. If you had invested your money in the stock market or betting, then you are very likely to suffer a huge loss this week. Also, you can possibly invest more in wrong deeds and activities to earn the lost amount. Therefore, keeping yourself away from wrong activities like betting etc. this week will be better for you. This week, eating out or watching a movie with family members will make you relaxed and will keep you happy. Due to Saturn being present in the eleventh house with respect to the moon sign, also, this week is going to be a special week for exchanging gifts with your loved ones. If you are associated with business, you may get positive news. This will make you feel happy and joyful. There is a possibility that you may have to distribute sweets among those who work under you. Also, if you give them some extra money with their income, they will pay more attention towards your work and help you create more business opportunities with others. This week, most of all you have to understand that it is not possible for us to succeed every time and the failures you get this week will make you lack confidence. Due to this, many doubts which run in your mind, can disturb you. Remedy: Chant “Om Bhaumaya Namah” daily 19 times.